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Flexible Membership

Flexible Membership is a modern membership, which has been designed specifically for the occasional golfer. It will offer all the benefits of Full membership of a traditional member’s golf club. With the option of playing a full or ½ round, it is ideal for today’s busy lifestyles.

Annual Subscription

£663.00 (plus £8.90 & £10.50 affiliation fees to Wiltshire Golf and England Golf respectively)


Your subscription gives you 400 points.  If you have points left at the end of your 12 months, they can be rolled over on renewal of a further 12 months.

Additional Points

Can be purchased in blocks of 200 for £331.50 

Using Your Points

PRIOR to accessing the golf course, you MUST register in the Pro Shop (or in the bar if the Pro shop is closed).

 Full Round½ Round (8 or 10 holes)
Off Peak*20 points10 points
Peak**30 points20 points
After 6.00pm10 points10 points
* Mon-Fri all day & Sat/Sun after 1.00pm
** Sat/Sun before 1.00pm

Application Form

Transfer to FULL MEMBERSHIP is available at any time.

Some benefits of membership include:

  • No starting times (subject to event restrictions)
  • Membership of a traditional members golf club
  • Official CONGU Handicap assessment and administration
  • Affiliation to Wiltshire Golf and Golf England
  • Use of practice ground, practice nets and putting green at any time
  • Entry into club competitions (subject to achieving a handicap) including Monthly Medals and Stablefords as well as County Competitions and Open competitions at other Clubs
  • Access to a range of social and competitive golf
  • Access to Wiltshire Golf County Card Scheme which entitles you to play at reduced rates in over 20 Counties
  • Optional Membership bar card (giving reduced bar prices)

Terms & Conditions

  • Monthly payments are not available for this membership.
  • Failure to submit the required points before accessing the course will result in disciplinary action, which may result in your membership being withdrawn with no refund.
  • Points are for the named member only and not transferable.
  • Unused points will not be refunded but can be rolled over subject to renewal of membership. Additional points purchased will expire on the anniversary of your membership unless the membership is renewed.
  • It is a requirement of membership to attend a New Member Introduction meeting within 6 months of joining.